Shifting paradigm’s

So I completed a dreaded return to work day to create the plan for my imminent return. To be completely fair my manager sat me down and asked how I was feeling about it and whether I wanted to come back. Now of course no new mother will say no in a meeting of this kind but it is nice to be asked. I don’t expect that any new parent wants to return to work, be that male or female. The new law on additional parental leave was long overdue but  that doesn’t remove the financial strain that one person being out of work in a household brings. So I said yes I was looking forward to the challenge and excited to get stuck in. My role isn’t exactly something which supports being able to take children to or pick them up from school. It also doesn’t really have room for any baby classes where the option of meeting new parents and building a network of support is available. So I knew deep down this wasn’t my honest answer. I absolutely do want to go back into a challenging working environment, however, I also want to see my family for longer than 2 hours a day.

I guess my shift from living to work to working to live is 100% down to my two boys and I am so glad that has happened, both emotionally and physically I am a better person. I still don’t know what my outcome will be but I am now actively seeking work which will reward me in the ways I need professionally but provide me with the much needed balance I require in my personal life. I will now have to explore exactly what that means but at least I am finally in a position where I know what I want!

So the question then becomes how this utopian life is supported.. Maybe more should be done around the payment of full wages from companies for longer periods, because after all, an asset like an experienced employee is worth the investment. Maybe people starting a family should be more financially prepared? That is much easier to say than do, how many of us have rainy day funds which are depleted as soon as they are built due to rainy day situations which happen in the running of every day life. Or the one we all dream of, the job role which is challenging, rewarding, pays well and is term time between the hours of 9 and 3 with an ability to be off for school plays, awards and the occasional sickness call.

I don’t know if such a role exists but its nice to think it one day might outside the profession of teaching because believe me that does not fit this spec…